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HomeEventsThe Town Of Vegreville Annual Municipal Recycling Roundup Is Back For Another...

The Town Of Vegreville Annual Municipal Recycling Roundup Is Back For Another Year

The Town of Vegreville’s Annual Municipal Recycling Roundup is back for another year this June. The event is a chance for members of the community to ensure that electronics, paints, tires, used oil up to a 20L maximum and household hazardous waste that may just be collecting dust in basements, garages, and sheds are safely disposed of. The Roundup will take place on Saturday, June 15th from 11am to 3pm at the Central Recycling Drop-off Centre located at 4822 51st Avenue behind the Dairy Queen. The Town encourages those who have the aforementioned items in their possession to bring them to the Recycling Drop-off Centre on June 15th. For more information, please call 780-632-3197, or visit the Town of Vegreville Facebook page or website at www.vegreville.com.


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