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HomeEventsVolunteers Needed In Mundare As Edmonton Ride For Dad Passes Through Town

Volunteers Needed In Mundare As Edmonton Ride For Dad Passes Through Town

The Edmonton Chapter of the Motorcycle Ride for Dad is making its way to the Town of Mundare this June. Established in 2007, the Edmonton Chapter has raised over 3,800,000.00 in support of prostate cancer research and awareness campaigns about early
detection of the disease. With the Ride passing through Mundare on June 8th, the Town is looking for 10 volunteers to help with food service and the check-in table from 11:30am to 2:30pm. For more information or to register to volunteer, please call 780-764-3929. For more information on the Motorcycle Ride For Dad Program, please visit www.ridefordad.ca.

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