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HomeEventsLamont County Reeve's Charity Golf Tournament Raises Over $37,000 For Food Bank

Lamont County Reeve’s Charity Golf Tournament Raises Over $37,000 For Food Bank

Lamont County Council and Reeve David Diduck are pleased to announce this year’s charity golf tournament has raised over $37,000. All proceeds from this tournament go toward supporting the County of Lamont Food Bank for its new building and Christmas Hamper Program. According to a press release from Lamont County, a record number of golfers attended the event, with 144 golfers from across the County participating. With a significant demand for Lamont County’s Food Bank services this year, Economic Development Manager for the County Shane Olson says that “raising over $37,000 for the Food Bank and its new building fund will go a long way in Lamont County.”

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