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HomeNewsLocal NewsSeasonal Filtered Raw Water A Priority Project For Town Of Viking

Seasonal Filtered Raw Water A Priority Project For Town Of Viking

The Town of Viking will be hosting an informational open house and ribbon cutting ceremony for a new project in the community called the Seasonal Raw Water Pumping Station.

In anticipation of a projected drought in 2024, a Seasonal Raw Water Pumping Station has been installed to move any large agricultural water draws. This will preserve potable water for the Town of Viking now and in future years. Mayor of the Town James Buttner says this project is all about being pro-active in preparation for a very dry season.

Buttner adds that the Pumping Station is an investment in the community and is a long term solution for Viking to support its residents and local economy, as well as support for any neighbouring rural agricultural producers.

The Seasonal Filtered Raw Water Pumping Station is located in the Town of Viking, adjacent to the Town Reservoir, accessed from 50 Street and 59 Avenue.

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The open house informational session will take place Friday, April 26th at the Viking Community Hall. Doors will open at 1pm, with the ribbon cutting ceremony happening at the Pumping Station at 1:30pm. The informational session will begin at 2pm, with council members, engineers, and expert speakers in attendance to answer any questions. For more information, please contact the Town of Viking at 780-336-3466, or visit the Town website at www.viking.ca.

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